The theatre group THEAMA is the first professional theatre ensemble mainly composed of disabled artists, established in Athens in 2010. They are all members of the Greek Association of Actors, asserting their right to equal representation in the performing arts. THEAMA applies an inclusive concept so actors/performers with no disability are also part of the ensemble, and it operates a Drama Workshop for all aspiring to establish the first of its kind Drama Academy within an inclusive framework for disabled and non-disabled artists. THEAMA contributed actively to revoke a Presidential Decree that was enforced by the Greek Ministry of Culture in the past and prevented disabled persons to enrol and graduate from Higher Drama Academies.

The disabled represent about 9% of the population and as active citizens they have equal obligations and rights. One of the rights they actively challenge is to the right to become professionally acclaimed actors, performers, artists on equal terms.

THEAMA is also proactively engaged in the major challenge of accessibility to the arts. All venues should be accessible for the audiences, and backstage for the artists with mobility disabilities. Similarly, audiences with sensory disabilities have the right to accessible content through captions, sign language and audio description. Mild performances for persons with learning disabilities are also included.

Gato Escaldado Teatro


Gato Escaldado Teatro is a professional theater company created by young artists, in 2019 in Lisbon, PT. The main objective is to bring pertinent and innovative performances to adults and children all over the country contributing to culturally develop local communities. The company aims to bring new audiences into theatres and introduce young artists to the public. They are active in the fields of performing arts, interdisciplinary projects, theatre & dance productions, book readings, poetry readings, cultural tours, educational & youth programs.

So far the company has produced a total of nine shows, seven of which are for children/young teens and the remaining two for +12 years audiences. The company Gato Escaldado is currently working on its next two productions which will be ” Treasure Island” a Co-Production with Cine-Teatro Louletano and “Trojan Women” an inclusive performance with an international Co-Production supported by the Creative Europe programme. “Treasure Island” will be a production dedicated to children and young teens with some adaptations to the original text promoting gender equality.

Teatr Grodzki


Bielskie Stowarzyszenie Artystyczne TEATR GRODZKI was founded in 1999 in the town of Bielsko-Biala, Silesia Region, Poland. It brings together artists, pedagogues, culture promoters and entrepreneurs engaged in local, regional, national and international projects for children, teenagers, adults and the elderly from the socially excluded groups. The latter include physically and mentally disabled persons, families at risk, young offenders, victims of alcohol and drug addictions, unemployed, and all those alienated from the mainstream of social and cultural life. The Association runs a wide support program for the assistance and motivation of the above groups, based on creative and artistic approaches.

In 2004 TEATR GRODZKI obtained an industrial heritage building from the Mayor of Bielsko-Biala (four floors, 2000 m2). The Association has established a Vocational Rehabilitation Unit there: a printing house and a bookbindery, where 41 people with disabilities are employed. Occupational Therapy Workshop was also opened in the building providing a day care unit for 30 disabled persons.
Since the very beginning of its activities, the Association has been involved in international projects, including elaboration and coordination of 2 Phare (Access) projects; 1 Socrates (Minerva) project, 5 LLP projects, 4 Erasmus+ projects and 1 Creative Europe project. The Association employs around 100 people every year and serves the needs of around 500 disadvantaged.

Teatr Grodzki was established by local artists with a view to support and develop cultural activities for the disadvantaged groups, based on their active involvement. Since 2000, the Association has been consistently initiating projects focused on creative use of arts in education, therapy and social inclusion.

In particular, the Association implements a wide program of theatre-based activities, according to its name. They include, among the others, running an integration theatre group which produces puppet shows and performs all over Poland and abroad. Moreover, regular trainings in the field of socially engaged theatre are conducted by us, both in Poland and abroad with a view to support the development of community arts in Europe.

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