D.I.V.A. project at the Melenikou Arts Festival

D.I.V.A. project at the Melenikou Arts Festival www.melenikouartsfestival.gr
From the 26th of June to the 2nd of July, three cultural venues (Vault, Calderone, ISON) and their artistic groups, with a long history in the cultural landscape of Athens and great public appeal, opened their doors for this year’s MELENIKOY ARTS FESTIVAL under the motto: CULTURE FOR ALL!
A 7-day celebration of culture under the auspices of the Municipality of Athens, with simultaneous interpretation in Greek sign language for all events. THEAMA, a professional inclusive theatre group, presented three performances on three different days. The performances were developed from the rehearsals of the European project D.I.V.A. – Creative Europe, a few days before the shooting of the digital production “The Trojan Women”.
Specifically, on Monday 26 June, the performance entitled “The Trojan Women: Voices of the Sea” (see photos) based on the Cassandra Chorus scene, on 27 June the performance “The Trojan Women: the Common” (see video) based on the Menelaus – Helen scene and on 30 June the performance “The Trojan Women: The Last Earth” (see video), based on the Hecuba – Talthybius scene.
All three creations were enthusiastically received by the audience, who requested that they be repeated in the 2023-2024 season at the ISON Theatre.
The performances were attended by more than 200 people.
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